Godless Mom in the Bible Belt

Monday, July 18, 2005

Happy Monday!

Have you ever been in such a relaxed, positive state of mind that all seems right with the world and your brain just decides to walk around in warm-fuzzy land? That is where I am today. Hmmm.

So, here are a few of the silly things flitting about my grey matter.

1. Liz has platinum blonde hair that falls to the middle of her back. It is truly remarkable hair. Liz also REALLY likes to swim and is actually getting quite good at it. I constantly have to battle green chlorine hair. Salt water systems are better for blonde people.

2. All of the purple martin babies in my backyard house have fledged. The house is empty now save for two sparrow families who are raising their second clutch of the season. I enjoy the sparrows but I really miss the martins. I hope they have a peaceful and successful trip to South America and I look forward to seeing them again in February. (Martins are monogamous and pair-bond for life, they always return to the same nesting site every year.)

3. Have you ever had one of those weird muscle twitching things where one small spot on your body decides to jump about in a random manner? Usually it is confined to an eyelid or other small body part. Well, for the last two days I've had that type of twitching going on in my lower abdominal muscles. This twitching feels so much like the first flutterings I felt when I was pregnant with Liz that I've been a little freaked out. When you're pregnant, the first time you feel that baby move inside you is one of the most surreal, cool things ever and I swear that these muscle twitches feel JUST LIKE THAT!!! Now, I'm not pregnant. I know this for a fact. And I'm especially not pregnant enough that I would be feeling a baby move inside me. I know it is just twitches but there is a part of me that wants to go to the store and buy an EPT just in case. Weird.

4. My post from last Thursday broke my all time record for number of comments! 38! Wow! I love reading all of your thoughts, thanks for taking the time to state your positions. Saurkraut, I'll read that book you recommended and I'll let you know what I think (it will have to wait until I finish Harry Potter though!)

I hope everyone has a great day!
posted by GodlessMom, 7:09 AM


Blogger dAAve said:

#3 - body part twitching
I've had that too. But I'm not gonna tell you where. LOL

(oh dear, I must go pray now!)
Posted at 8:06 AM  

Blogger Fred said:

Thannks for the grey matter update.

Yes, that last post did beak a record, and it should've. It was something that I've seen once or twice in the paper, but never paid attention to it. I'm much more informed now.
Posted at 8:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Make it 39...
Posted at 3:11 PM  

Blogger Lila said:

Geez, I'm glad you're having a great Monday! :-)
Posted at 4:30 PM  

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said:

Thanks, Godless Mom! If you read it and still disagree, you can at least disagree knowledgeably. That's all I ever ask of anyone. It's very fair of you! As for Harry Potter, I'm 2/3 of the way through. IMHO, it's the best book in the series by far. I already guessed who's going to die, so I'm prepared.

Glad you're having a great Monday!

My friend owns a hair salon and is a color expert with top credentials ($250 and up for color), and gives you the following tips:

When you go swimming, wet your hair with fresh water first just before you go in. You see, hair that is colored is almost like a road with potholes, or a sponge, and it has more room to absorb other chemicals. So, if you do this, it will fill up the hair with the fresh water molecules and their won't be room for the chlorinated water to be absorbed.

Also, if you're going to be out for a longer amount of time, wet it with fresh water and cover it with hair conditioner. That will give you extra protection.

And talk to your hair stylist about a product called Clear Coat. They often don't do it because it's a marvellous process that protects your color better and they don't get a chance to do reconstructive work that way. Plus, many don't even know of it. Or, buy it at Sallys and apply it after a color process.
Posted at 5:56 PM  

Blogger grooveadam said:

You know I just stumbled onto your blog. I really like what you have going on here. I would be honored if you read mine.
Posted at 3:45 PM  

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