Godless Mom in the Bible Belt

Saturday, October 08, 2005

This is what it has come to.

I'm posting a link to Cyberpols today which I feel is incredibly important. Doug has an excellent post regarding a House vote which took place yesterday on an energy bill. Basically the vote went through and the Republicans were not happy with the results, so they kept the vote open while Republican leaders went around the room and pushed some of their Republican colleagues to change their votes and toe the party line. A vote which would normally have lasted 5-10 minutes was still being "discussed" after 40 minutes. The vote was not closed until after the Republicans (DeLay was among them) "convinced" enough people to change their votes.

The Democrats were very angry and were shouting "Shame, shame, shame!" But this obviously doesn't mean a damned thing to the Republicans and their "Hammer." They have no shame.

The most disgusting thing about the situation however is the MSM coverage of the event. Doug has links in his post to the CNN coverage with Wolf Blitzer and to the C-Span actual footage. He makes excellent observations regarding the spin put on the situation by Blitzer versus what really happened. CNN has been turning into a FOX wannabe for a long time now and this is another prime example of how the myth of the media liberalism is a bunch of bullshit.
posted by GodlessMom, 9:01 AM


Blogger United We Lay said:

That's so incredibly stupid I don't even know what to say.
Posted at 10:32 AM  

Blogger Fred said:

The power of the majority. Politics is an ugly business.

Worst part of that whole bill is that drilling off the coast of Florida is coming closer to a reality. That makes me nervous.
Posted at 11:14 AM  

Blogger nigel paddell said:

What separates Fox from the others is that the other networks will get their junk from whomever is currently running the corner, Fox always gets it's fix from it's patrons.
Republicans are Fox's bitch not the other way 'round. If the Democrats come back to power, CNN will start calling them "Daddy".
Posted at 3:48 PM  

Blogger TLP said:

Huh, I had no idea. Thanks.
Posted at 7:41 PM  

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said:

Thanks for this information.

This morning on Face the Nation, Arlen Spector was talking about Harriet Miers as a Supreme Court nominee, and the mob waiting to tear her apart. I am not certain I trust anything coming from the Republicans anymore. They must earn credibility more than ever. It is not automatic.
Posted at 6:36 PM  

Blogger Lucy Stern said:

I saw a show on Modern Marvels yesterday about sugar. What it boiled down to is that Ethenol is made from sugar. Right now Brazil is only 10% dependent on oil for it's survival. How did that happen? In 1980, after a fuel shortage, they aggressively started looking for an alternative fuel source. They discovered that sugar mixed with yeast and cooked for six or more hours makes Ethenol which can be used for fuel for automobiles. Today they have transformed there cars and trucks to run on both fuels. The price for Ethenol is only $ 1.19 a gallon.

Why couldn't we do something like this in our country? In Maui, Hawaii the island has been running their electricity from a form of this for over 100 years. In fact they have two sources of fuel from their cane sugar. Why can't our country do something like this? We need to be self sufficient too!

Instead of paying farmers NOT to grow something, they could grow sugar cane or beats and help make our country self sufficient. The plants used to process this fuel takes a lot less time to build than the refineries needed to process oil. They could be built all over the country instead of near the waters edge and we could grow all our sugar here in the United States. We need alternative fuel sources and this would be an awesome source for fuel. When is our government going to wake up and start doing something helpful? Sorry for the rant, it just got me thinking.
Posted at 9:22 PM  

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