Godless Mom in the Bible Belt

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Exactly How Liberal Am I?

Scott and I had an interesting discussion the other evening about the extremes of the Liberal/Conservative movements in our nation and where we as individuals feel that we sit on the scale.

Historically I've considered myself to me a moderate liberal. But since the Bush administration came to power I have felt pushed further and further to the Michael Moore side of the scale (no disrespect to Mr. Moore intended.) So today I think I'll go over the finer points of my liberalism and try to look at where I stand on some of the more basic issues. Let's see exactly how liberal I am.

Gun control: I don't like guns, I don't own a gun, I've never fired a gun and have no intention of ever doing so. Do I think we should take all the guns away from American citizens? No. We are guaranteed the right to own guns in our Constitution and I find the idea of changing the Constitution far more dangerous than the idea of people owning guns. That being said, I do think we need to take a serious look at the private ownership of assault rifles and the like. Why the hell would any average Joe need one of those things? I'd call myself pretty moderate in this area.

The death penalty: This is a difficult one with no easy answers. Our system is flawed and as a result people are sentenced to death in unequal ways depending on race, economic status and other factors. Until the system is improved to a point where the penalty is handed out in absolute equality then we shouldn't even think about flipping the switch on death row. Also, from what I understand the death penalty really doesn't act as a deterrent. If someone is going to murder, they are going to murder regardless of the potential penalty. Now, if someone hurt and killed Liz or Scott? I'd be out for blood. I think that some people are so far gone that they have lost their right to live and frankly I have no problem with people like the BTK killer being put to death. I think in some cases it can afford closure to the family of victims. Overall, I guess I'm up in the air with this one.

Homosexuality: I was born heterosexual. There has never been a day in my life when I have desired another female and I can't imagine anything that could possibly make me think of another woman in a sexual way. Homosexuality is exactly the same. The idea that someone would "Choose" to be homosexual is ludicrous so making laws that reflect the personal bigotry of some segments of our population, laws which are designed to limit the rights of homosexuals, makes me want to vomit. This falls under the category of none-of-your-damned-business. What happens in privacy between consenting adults isn't something that should ever be legislated. I guess I'm as liberal as you get on this issue.

War: I'm not a complete pacifist. I do believe that there are some things worth fighting for particularly humanitarian causes. I believe that going in to Afghanistan after 9/11 was the right thing to do (although the aftermath has been very poorly handled.) I am in awe of people who are willing to go into the armed forces and put their lives on the line, it is a display of courage and love of country that I'm not sure I would be able to match. These men and women should NEVER be sent into battle or put in harm's way unnecessarily. I'm not against all war but I'm definitely against bogus wars that were initiated through lies and deception and have been conducted with extreme ineptitude. I'd rate myself middle to left on this one.

Abortion: This is an incredibly personal decision and far too important to be left in the hands of politicians. I do not believe that a fertilized egg has the same value as a young woman who faces an unwanted pregnancy. No one should be made to carry to term a pregnancy they do not desire. The reality of life is that sometimes birth control methods fail. It isn't pretty but it is the truth. Outlawing abortion will not end abortion, it will only cause the unnecessary deaths of women who seek abortions in back alleys. This also falls under the category of none-of-your-damned-business. Pretty liberal on this one.

Economy: I have almost no formal education when it comes to economics so I have a tendency to apply the knowledge I have gained from my own financial past to the country as a whole. I know that this is in many ways a flawed approach but it is my only frame of reference, so here is what I think. Pay cash when you can and avoid debt at all costs. Treat people fairly in your business dealings, you are only as good as your word. Take care of necessities before luxuries. Give what you can to those who are less fortunate. Don't spend more than you have coming in. Try to give your business only to those who are honest and noble. Liberal? Conservative? I don't know. It just seems responsible.

Separation of Church and State: I don't want God in my government and I don't know why people would want government in their God. The First Amendment is pretty clear on this one. Does that make me liberal on this issue? I don't know.

I guess that covers most of the big divisive issues. Am I liberal? Yes, and I wear the label with pride. Am I unreasonably liberal? I guess that is for others to decide. I don't want everyone in the country to think like I do. What I want is for people to live and let live.
posted by GodlessMom, 7:41 PM


Blogger Meegan said:

Great post! I feel almost exactly the same way about everything you listed. The only thing I would say is that I don't believe we would need to change the Second Amendment to get rid of guns -- this is all in its interpretation. I see no reason for guns to be legal. I think it's barbaric.

Like you, I sometimes wonder how liberal I am. I guess it depends on who you ask. But I guess the older I get, the more liberal I feel. (And I'm sick of people telling me that I will get more conservative when I get older, as if it is something I will grow out of. My grandparents are 81 and 82 and they are as liberal as they come.)
Posted at 8:16 AM  

Blogger dAAve said:

I'll take that bait. As a very moderate Conservative with some liberal views.

GUN CONTROL - I feel pretty much the same as you

DEATH PENALTY - I am for this. I agree that the system needs improving so that innocent ppl aren't put to death. Is it a deterrent? Hell, no. Will they do it again if put to death? Hell, no.

HOMOSEXUALITY - well, mary!! (enough said)

WAR - this is the tough one. I am ostensibly for war WHEN IT'S FOR THE RIGHT PURPOSE. WWI and II were certainly justified as well as korea. The reason for Vietnam was right but it was handled ineptly for 2 decades. Afghanistan, sure. Iraq, if the defeat of terrorism is the goal, ok. If it was to get rid of Sadaam, why are we still there? If it's for oil and oil only, I can see some justification because we are more dependent on foreign oil than ever before. Until we open up the untapped resources in the USA (which Democrats don't want) or find alternative fuels, oil is an unfortunate necessity. For those who don't think Middle East oil is important, try cutting back on fossil fuels in this country by 55% beginning today and see what happens.

ABORTION - pro-chocie competely

ECONOMY - ideally, we shouldn't spend more than we take in. A fairer taxing system needs to be implemented to begin with.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE - absolutely necessary - there are too many judges (liberal and conservative) who think they are lawmakers and there are too many religous folk who think they are lawmakers. As you said, Live and Let Live.
Posted at 8:31 AM  

Blogger Fred said:

Gun control? Ditto
Death Penalty? I'm against it. (BTW - the rest of the world thinks we're barbarians for having it.)
Homosexuality: Ditto from a man's perspective.
War? Ditto
Abortion? Ditto
Economy? I'd differ with you here. The way to make money is to use other people’s money. Debt, if managed wisely, can work heavily in your favor. For instance - if you're sitting on a home that's got 100k in equity, why not have the bank give you that equity and then go buy another house? When the new home appreciates in value, pay off the debt, and you keep the change. (Of course, we have to assume that the new home value goes up.)
Church and State? Ditto

For the record, I consider myself a moderate conservative.
Posted at 8:47 AM  

Blogger GodlessMom said:

You know Meegan, you have a good point regarding the interpretation of the Second Amendment. The problem I see with this is that the same thing can be said about the interpretation of the First Amendment, the holy rollers are always trying to reinterpret the establishment clause. That is why I think it is dangerous to change or even reinterpret the Second Amendment, I fear it would open the door for all sorts of Constitutional reinterpretation.

Do you think this would be a problem?
Posted at 8:52 AM  

Blogger GodlessMom said:

Hey Fred, Thanks for weighing in.

I realize that the rest of the civilized world thinks the death penalty is barbaric and I definitely think that this is something to be considered. I actually feel that the United States could learn a lot from the rest of the world if we could just put our ego away for a moment.

What I wonder is whether it gives closure to the families of the victims. If it doesn't then there is one less reason to put people to death. If it does, is that reason enough to continue with the practice?

Like I said. I'm definitely on the fence with this one.

Regarding economics, I will defer to anyone who has more educated ideas than my own. The example of home ownership is a good one but like you said there is a gamble there regarding the real estate market. I guess I don't have the soul of a gambler and hence will never be rich!

Good points!
Posted at 9:05 AM  

Blogger TLP said:

Good post. I'm a liberal on just about any subject. I mostly agree with you, except I vote no on guns. Hand guns are to kill people. No one should have one.
Posted at 11:06 AM  

Blogger Watson Woodworth said:

You'd get my vote.
Gun control: Ban all but single shot riffels and shotguns.
Death penalty: No.
Homosexuality: Between consenting adults, if it feels good do it.
War: Lets let the rich and powerful go out there and get shot at.
Abortion: I have never heard a secular arguement to sway me from being pro-choice.
Economy: Lets go back to the Eisenhower tax codes, taxing over $100,000 at 90%. And no more corporate welfare. And perhaps a MAXIMUM wage.
Separation of church and state: Hell yes!
Posted at 11:34 AM  

Blogger Meegan said:

Excellent comments from everyone. Godless Mom, re: what I said about interpretation of Second Amendment, I understand completely what you are saying. And I have no answer for it; I think you are correct that it would cause a lot of problems. I know that my way of interpreting it differs from others'. Same problem with the Bible -- you can interpret it to fit your agenda. My "agenda" would be not to allow the public to own guns, so if I were Queen of the World, that's how I would interpret that. Bush has his own agenda, so he tries to use the laws to work in his favor. I guess it's inevitable. Thank god for checks and balances.
Posted at 12:34 PM  

Blogger dddragon said:

Godlessmom, I'm with you.
Posted at 12:46 PM  

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said:

Excellent post.

During my college years, which was a long time ago, I was a flaming liberal. Now, I have seen myself become much more conservative, but compared to the values I have seen by many in this country, I am labeled a liberal. While labels serve to categorize and pidgeon-hole people, into certain expectations and beliefs, I think each and every issue must be dealt with on its own merit. For example, when it comes to the politics of Israel, many may consider me a right wing thinker.

Today is a very depressing day for me now with the news of O'Conner stepping down. So I will stay quiet.

Have a great weekend.
Posted at 1:16 PM  

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said:

I will have to steal this post idea for my own blog!
Posted at 1:21 PM  

Blogger Zeppellina said:

Hi godlessmom!

Good discussion!
Being from the UK, I can really only speak from that perspective, but here goes!

Guns...In the UK, obviously guns are banned. You can apply for a gun liscence, ie., farmers, sharpshooters, gun clubs...but it is carefully vetted. Didn`t stop the guy taking out a whole batch of tiny children in Dunblane in Scotland...could be wrong, but I believe he had a license.
BUT....we certainly have a lot less deaths and accidents per population than countries with guns.
When I stayed for a month in the states on holiday with relatives, on the first day, they insisted we do gun training....(why?!)...and to my horror, I realised I was a dead shot with a handgun. I asked my relatives why they keep guns...."To protect ourselves". The obvious question, when looking around at a very well-to do area was....against who?
There seems to be some sort of insecurity there which I couldn`t put my finger on.
I don`t like guns..as regards protection? they can easily be removed and used against the owner of the gun..it breeds a violent culture.
I am glad they are limited in the UK and Europe. Life is easier, and a lot less insecure as a result.
Death Penalty...again, we got rid of the death penalty, as did other European countries. It is quite shocking to realise just how many innocent people were sent to their deaths in Britain...we now know for sure many were innocent.
If we had had the death penalty, public outrage after the IRA bombings, would have sent innocent people to their deaths. As it was, one poor soul languished in jail, and died in jail...later to have been proved innocent.
I am very much against the death penalty. It is barbarism, and does not stop crimes.
Homosexuality...I think that gay people should have the same rights in society as the rest of the population. No question about it.
War....Unfortunately, some wars have to be fought. Fascism and Ethnic cleansing have to be stopped. Hitler and his atrocities had to be stopped at all costs. In that, we have a duty to humanity.
However...there have been many conflicts in the past few years since the 2nd World War which just should never have happened in the first place. And, when people see an aggressor...they have to speak out against it. Again, it is our duty.
Abortion...pro-choice. No question.
Economy...would like to see the UK and the US solve their problems of poverty and health care by spending some of the incredible sums of money on these problems instead of daily war budgets. Its frightening to see the daily figure for Iraq and Afghanistan.
Imagine that money going into healthcare for the population.
Separation of Church and State...religion has no business being in government.
The religious organisations are meddling big-style in both the UK and the US. I would like them both to be separate.

Wow! Godlessmom!...you`re going for the big questions too these days!
Enjoyed that!
Take care, see you soon!
Posted at 3:21 PM  

Blogger Lila said:

Yeah, great post. You're A-OK with me, godless!

I'm pretty much in agreement with you... slightly further to the left, but yes, you'd get my vote!
Posted at 9:08 PM  

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