Godless Mom in the Bible Belt

Sunday, July 03, 2005

What Goes Around. Edited to update links.

I guess with the Downing Street Memos circulating about and the questions regarding the initiation of the Iraq war once again on the minds of the general public, it was inevitable that the subject of Valerie Plame come up.

Remember Valerie Plame? She is the wife of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Wilson was given the responsibility of investigating whether Iraq was trying to buy uranium from Niger. She is also a CIA agent.

Wilson concluded that there was no way a uranium transaction could have occurred between Iraq and Niger, in fact he was able to prove it beyond a shadow of doubt. Yet the Bush administration chose to include this tidbit of false information in their speech to the UN regarding reasons to invade Iraq. Wilson, who has since become a serious critic of the White House called their bullshit.

Well, it wasn't long before Mr. Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame was "outted" by a anonymous White House source in a transparent pay-back slap-down to Mr. Wilson. Ms. Plame's name was spread around in the press on CNN, Time Magazine and The New York Times. A special prosecutor has been assigned to the case and as of this week (after quite a bit of legal wrangling) Time Magazine had to turn over the emails and notes of Matthew Cooper, the journalist who had contact with the anonymous White House source.

And what should those emails contain? Hmmm, correspondence with that prickly little teddy bear, Karl Rove.

Now, I'm not a news source and I don't have to back anything up with proof. I'm a housewife who blogs so I'm allowed to speculate. This Valerie Plame thing has Rove written all over it. The man has a long history of bending the rules to fit his agenda and skirting the law to the further his cause. He is a mean and nasty sonofabitch.

Now remember, this is the man who only last Wednesday belittled the Democrats because they called for moderation and restraint following the 9/11 attacks. I guess Rove would rather we all grab our shovels and rakes and start bashing in the heads of anyone who might oppose the US?

I will watch this development closely and if I am wrong here I will eat my words with chocolate sauce. But if I'm correct and Rove is responsible for outting Plame, endangering her fellow covert operatives, ruining whatever operations they were engaged in thereby endangering the security of our country and the countries of our allies? He is guilty of high treason and should rot in prison for the rest of his life.

Here is the link to the Newsweek article.

Here is the CNN website link.

And one from Editor and Publisher.
posted by GodlessMom, 12:24 PM


Blogger GodlessMom said:

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Posted at 3:02 PM  

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said:

Nothing will come of any of this. If the special prosecutor finds anything, the republicans will just claim it is democrats crying because Kerry lost. And if they find nothing - then there you go! Bush should be the new American King.

And as for Clinton, they railroaded the guy. Ken Starr was supposed to look into land deals made in the 1970s, and it turned into what it was.

And, in the case of Clinton, his lie did not destabilize the world in the name of oil profits.

All this is just depressing.

Sailboat + me + more of this crap = political assylum in Aruba.
Posted at 9:51 PM  

Blogger Fred said:

I agree with Iguana on this; great headlines, very little change.
Posted at 10:36 PM  

Blogger Zeppellina said:

Hi Godlessmom!......I know it isn`t on the subject at all, but I just wanted to drop in and say Happy 4th July!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Posted at 12:19 AM  

Blogger Tom & Icy said:

Have a nice holiday and be safe. I haven't been keeping up with the news lately so I don't know what to say. But it sounds interesting.
Posted at 5:59 AM  

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